Newborn Family Photography

Newborn Photography Sessions | What to Expect from Start to Finish
- Inquiry/Phone Call
- Pre-Consultation
- Photography Session
- Ordering Appointment
- Product Pick up Appointment
Inquiry/Phone Call
Newborn Family Photography starts with the inquiry whether it be from our website, a phone call, facebook or email inquiry. Lori Roberts Photography does there best to give you a phone call within 24-48 hours of that first inquiry. During this phone call, Lori goes over anything to make sure the client is the right fit and she can deliver what they are hoping for. This is also where we book the virtual pre-consultation.
Virtual Pre-Consultation
Virtual pre-consultations are a way for families to meet with Lori and go over a variety of topics such as:
- pricing
- styling/designing of the session such as colours and props
- products available
- contract
- go over welcome package
- payment plans if needed
- next steps
- formally booking the session and paying session fee
Newborn Family Photography Session
The next step to the process is the photography session. Newborn sessions are completed in the mornings as newborn generally are better for sleeping first thing in the morning. Upon arrival there is some tasty breakfast treats for families to enjoy as well as coffee,teas and cold beverages are available for families to enjoy. If there are siblings involved this is where we acclimate them to the studio. The waiting room has some toys for the younger children to enjoy and a tv for people to watch some netfix during the session.
Once everyone is comfortable then we start the family portion of the session, then proceed to the sibling portion then the newborn alone.
At the end of the session we formally book the virtual ordering appointment which is usually 1-2 weeks after the photography session date. Clients will also recieve a card with instructions for their digital image downloads.
Virtual Ordering Appointment
The ordering appointments are done virtually to aid in comfort for our families. We realize it can be hard to leave the house with a newborn and for this reason we decided it was more convienent to have the ordering appointment virtually. This appointment is where the images will be viewed for the first time. The ordering session is where families decide what products they would like to purchase as well as sizes, material and images and pay for their purchases at this time as well. Products generally take 3-6 weeks to comes in depending on what is purchased and mail times can vary.
Product Pickup Appointment
Product pickup with where we inspect all purchases together to make sure everyone is happy with the quality of their purchases. Lori Roberts Photography strives for happy clients and if there are any problems with orders we will send back for a re-print at our printing labs.
We also add our clients to our VIP email ist so they will get first access to any events or promotions we hold through out the year.
Newborn Family Photography
Newborn Family Photography is one of our favorites parts of newborn photography. There is no better feeling than taking that first family image of a family. Lori Roberts Photography is always honoured to take such a mermorable photo of my clients. This one first photo means so much to our families. It is almost like the evidence of the start of their lives together. The first tangible visual of everyone together.

For our newborn photography sessions we try to complete the family portion at the start of the session. The only time this may change is if a sibling is involved and they need time to acclimate to the studio. There is nothing worse than a child that is uncomfortable. The child is then forced to sit in front of a photographer and camera they don’t know, therefore those genuine smiles don’t happen.
The photography experience is what we are known for. Lori Roberts Photography strives for a positive experience and as such do our utmost to make everyone comfortable and every session enjoyable for everyone involved.
Newborn Family Photography | Toddler Sibling Images
Sibling images can be tricky at times but with the right practice and tools theses images are not only beautiful but enjoyable. Just imagine for a moment you are a toddler and your parents have brought you to an unknown place, sitting in front of an unknown woman with the black machine making noise and lights flashing that in itself can be overwhelming for a toddler or young child. Then you add in a new baby. This is the reason we take it slow. We make time for them to acclimate to the studio and equipment. Whatever they need to feel better and therefore give us more genuine smiles.
Young Sibling Tricks
For the majority of toddler sibling images we photograph images of the toddler seperately and baby seperately then merge the two images together to create that one perfect image. The reason for this is due to safety. Toddlers don’t sit still for long and get distracted very easily so to keep everyone safe this is usually our go to. This technique prevents props from being knocked over and keep the baby as safe as possible.
Merging Images | Before and After

Newborn Family Photography | Older Siblings
The older the siblings are the easier the sibling images are for the most part. Older children are able to hold the newborn and follow directions. With older siblings we tend to do a lot more holding the baby but also add in the usual props images and laying down as well.
Parent Images

Parent images are all about the closeness of this new baby with mom and dad. We squeeze everyone together to really showcase this new connection. Some parent and newborn images are with a wrapped newborn and some images are done with a naked newborn. It is all dependent on baby and parents comfort level. After all, unwrapped and naked without a diaper definately allows for the risk of baby having an accident.
Words of Advice
We get all the time that mothers aren’t feeling their best after having a baby and we understand some don’t want to participate in the family images. We can’t stress enough to get in those images. You can’t go back in time and one day your child will look at these images and will cherish that your in them. Your children won’t care what you look like, they will only see the love and connection you had as a family and will absolutely love that picture forever.
Parents Guide to Newborn Photos
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